Our Story

How It All Began

Much like many others after COVID-19 in 2020, my now-wife (then girlfriend), Amanda, and I found ourselves feeling lost. We were living in our first apartment together in South Florida. I was working full-time in sales as I attended acting school, and Amanda worked a remote job in IT. We were preparing to move to Los Angeles, so I could pursue my dream of becoming an actor. (Yes, I know how lucky I am that she was willing to do that for me.)

Then, suddenly, the COVID pandemic hit, forever changing our story – as well as everyone else’s. COVID didn’t just take lives; it shattered industries. The South Florida acting community, including my career prospects, were nearly wiped out. Even more devastating, my acting coach, director, and dear friend lost her battle with cancer during the pandemic. 

As we grieved and reflected, we felt a growing need for a fresh start – a change that would redefine our path. Instead of pursuing drama in LA, we took a leap of faith and pursued comedy in Las Vegas. 

A Shift In Direction

Las Vegas was supposed to be a new beginning – a place where I would start my career as a comedian. But not just any comedian, my goal was to become the go-to Christian Comedian in Sin City – the light in the darkness. 

At least, that’s what I thought…

For 18 months, I worked hard to build a career in comedy. But something felt… off. There was a restlessness in my spirit, an unshakable feeling that God had something different in store. Over time, it became clear: Las Vegas was not our final destination, but rather a stepping stone to something bigger. 

We decided to sell almost everything we owned and transition into RV life, originally thinking it would help me find the best comedy opportunities in America; but what we discovered on the road was no laughing matter. 

From Comedy to Calling

Everyone has a story they’re trying to write – but only God’s plan will stand.

As we traveled across the country, we met people from all walks of life. Each city, each encounter, revealed a simple but powerful truth: the world doesn’t need another comedian. It needs Jesus.

Comedy had been my focus, but God had other plans. He was leading us into ministry.

Discovering Purpose

God brought us to Arizona for a reason. It was there that everything came full circle. I performed at my first church, Amanda and I got married, and – most importantly – we were baptized and born again. 

Looking back, we see now that God had been guiding us all along. Just as Moses and the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, as John the Baptist prepared the way, and even as Jesus Himself was led into the wilderness – God was calling us into our own desert experience.

Why? To refine us. To prepare us. To reveal our true mission.

We weren’t just meant to entertain people. We were meant to lead them to Christ.

And so, Faith Works Ministry was born.